Dare you not to smile – Family Portraits in Victoria BC

Family portraits in the fall during a mini-session promotion at Government House in Victoria BC

I had the best time this fall during the Victoria BC mini-session promotion. I met so many families with the cutest littles you’ve ever seen. We were so lucky that this year Government House offered sheltered locations where we could duck out of the wind and take great portraits.

This adorable family had me laughing from start to finish. We played a few family portrait games and then just let them be themselves. I double dog dare you not to smile when you see these two cutie patooties.

I personally love B&W photos, even in the fall… but every family receives both a colour + a black and white version of the portraits they choose. That way, you have both options when it comes time for printing or making an album.

I know the current situation has all of us in Victoria hiding at home for at least another two weeks. But it’s my hope we’ll be able to resume some safe and happy times together with our families (or at the very least our safe six) during the holidays. Let’s keep our fingers crossed!

In the meantime, I want you to know about the upcoming family portrait promotion from December 26-December 31, 2020. Once again, families will save $100 on mini-sessions, and those who choose the full hour will receive the full collection of images (which is a $100 value). ! You can find my regular pricing here! Get in touch to book your session today!!!

I offer three family portrait promotions a year – once in the spring, once in the fall and, of course, once at the end of December. Follow my Facebook Page or Instagram to stay in the know about future promotions!